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Topography Of
The United Mental States Of Viridia

     The Viridian REVELution is art intended toward a consciousness revolution in the true sense of the words. As stated in The Declaration, we declare war on war & all violence; physical, mental & spiritual. There is no need of war in where we seek to go & no need in fighting to get there.

The frontier that we seek to expand is within the self . We will 'hitch' our 'covered wagons' (our biological ‘headtop’ computers [brains] ) to spherically developed wisdom, set out to expand the noosphere , & thereby populate the 90% uncharted frontal lobe, dormant brain frontier. This is where our highest mental functioning originates. This is the space I dub 'Viridia'. Here there may be places to build many mental mansions.

    It is calculated that humans have as many neural connections in their compact ‘headtop’ bio-computer as there are stars in the universe or grains of sand on earth. This is the final frontier of inner space, perhaps as vast as Hubble deep view explains outer space to be, perhaps, as our best instruments tell us, infinite as well. See definitions of the ‘Seal of the Knights of the Sphere Cabal to learn of the fullness of the system of learning / being / meditative communal prayer I’m developing to help reach this goal. Click here to learn more about your unmapped & 'dormant' brain.

  Just as humankind holds not the ability to create life from the elements, neither do we have the ability to create or fully understand what his consciousness is, what it was that caused it to exist, or what animates it or the body it dances through the transmutations of energy all around us. See the Nobel address of physicist Max Planck for a deeper understanding of matter & energy. This dancing energy of matter with which we interact, feeds the needs of the biological vehicles in which our consciousness is, for a life span, contained. This energy is also at work in the functioning & constitution of our conscious mind. By better understanding this force via the unmapped areas of our brain where higher thought is proposed to originate, we may find ourselves able to pull our fellowship free from the bio accumulation vortex we have set to spin. And so, in paraphrasing the words of John F. Kennedy, (A favorite orator of mine & author of a favorite book - “Profiles In Courage”); Uncharted masses of the brain are there, & new hopes for wisdom & peace are there. And, therefore, as we set sail, we ask God's blessing on perhaps the most wondrous, marvelous & greatest adventure on which humankind has ever embarked. We choose to map the dormant brain, go to it, land a 'Psychonaut' & return him safely to his presence. I believe we can do so within the space of this decade.

    In the meantime, as this re-Evolution REVELution begins working with neurologists & other scientists to continue to map the dormant brain, as well as send the ‘TenetMen’ into comical battle in support of natural capitalist industry via the conscious Consumers web site (the economic arm of The Viridian REVELution), We seek a fortress of peace from which to launch our campaigns.

   This earth has gotten crowded, & founding a country sounds about as crazy as launching a ‘psychonaut' to an imagined world that lives in our head… I fully realize the feelings of absurdity these concepts will elicit from the average person readily participating in the current CULTural climate. However, I figure, what better do I have to do with my time here? I suppose I could continue to work a day job, watch 'reality' T. V. & try to convince myself I’m happy & the world is either fine or beyond my ability to change, as most everyone else in this once justly proud nation does, but, what the heck? This is a lot more fun & way more interesting. So, if anyone does have a spare island they’re not using & wants to set up a fortress of solitude and/or an independent state that we can begin ‘exampling’ from until we reach Viridia, well I’ll leave that door open. Just give me a call.. =->.. Onward to Terra Viridia!


   As It has been written, ‘Among humans, who knows what a person is except the person that is that person within. Similarly no one knows from whence a person came nor to where he is going in present reality nor where they go when their persona ceases to animate their biological vehicle. However, while contained in this needy biological entity, the unique & mysterious consciousness has proven itself capable of approaching an understanding of the laws of creation & thereby constructing methods of interaction with them to fulfill the needs of their biological entity. Indeed, many of these constructions are in the fulfillment of desires & not unalterable needs. Additionally, many of the infrastructures created to fulfill these desires are destructive to life support systems.

    The ongoing ease of life that the technosphere has delivered has brought humankind far from interactions with the natural forces & resources that have provided them with the ease to let desires overtake consciousness in a way that threatens the ability of natural forces & resources to perpetually fulfill the unalterable needs of growing throngs of humanity & all other biological entities.

Whereas consciousness has brought humanity to this present, it would also seem that it should be innately capable of delivering humankind into a balanced & harmonious existence with the forces which contain & sustain them.

The wisdom to symbiotically interact with the forces of creation may lie in the new world we have begun to colonize & in which we now find it necessary to throw off the taxing & restricting ties of a system that poisons & constricts us with a DeathCULTure that, as it taxes us for its operation, does not represent our pioneering spirit & our desire to more effectively provide for human needs without the grievous affect of harming that which has been given us by a creation that we cannot re-create or replace. As such, humankind is presently biting the hand that feeds & punching our gift horse in the mouth. Could we be more inhospitable guests upon the only known planet capable of supporting biological life in an otherwise frozen, lifeless, & molten universe?

   And so repeating, I declare war on war that wages PeaceFair. I propose a consciousness REVELution in exploration & habitation (or perhaps re-inhabitation) of the 90% dormant landmass of the brain I’ve dubbed "Viridia". It is my intuition that from this sacred bio-chemical-electronic sanctuary we can formulate the ways to fulfill the innate needs of the biological entities of our unique planet, by discovering how to symbiotically interact with the forces of creation that gave us rise. In this way we might also lay waste to the very reasons for the bloody revolutions that have plagued the history of our species & caused clouds of despair to often take up space within the consciousness our forefathers intuited was rightfully meant for life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness.

   I do not propose or advocate the discourse of this web site as a plan for any kind of Utopia, nor claim myself, or want to be in any way a sovereign of any people or place real or imagined. In fact I declare myself Commander In Chiefless: Commander of nothing, Chief of less. I only claim sovereignty over my body & mind. It is the natural predisposition of these to seek a better design for their existence & peaceful cohabitation with my similarly situated neighbors (i.e. the fellowship of humankind). Now on with th art attack. Ω


More than just an imaginative concept, the U.M.S. of V. is a mental infrastructure to focus a think tank. It's a new kind of box to think inside of so that thinking outside of the proverbial 'box' of conventional thought remains focused. The meaning of each "mental state" that appears in the graphic above is available in Knight's mode, so if you're interested in participating in any of this, get in touch with me so we can discuss these concepts & how we will apply them.

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