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What? How?

Again, The Viridian REVELution is an ongoing work of integrated multi-media art combined specifically for peaceful social change as outlined in the charter of the Viridian REVELution.

Viridian REVELutionaries are of a secret society for public consumption.

The action a of a Viridian REVELutionary is quansciousness, Exampling & REVELRY in the health, beauty, luxury & leisure of goals of the REVELution accomplished. The charter documents are also part of the art piece as well as a history lesson of sorts. Further explanation is revealed throughout this site as it continues to develop & more so in the REFORMance Art pieces of the REVELutionaries as they are unfolded to the public in a scripted sequence of events.

The How:
Um mm.. Whereas the revolutions for social change in human history have been violently assertive to accomplish demands, The Viridian REVELution will be violently comedic to allure people, industry & government to it's serious mission to, get this: - >continue >

Mission: To reorient the noosphere & use our existing democratic government & supply/demand economy to alter dirty elements of the human technosphere thereby rebooting our adversely affected biosphere. That's a lot to grok, but considerplate & tell me why it couldn't or shouldn't be done.

My ideas are too crazy to be undertaken as anything other than a work of art, for in art their is the unquenchable need of he artist to create, & through art there is (when successful) the immeasurable possibilities from the effects of its inspiration upon others, AND in inspiration lies un-quantifiable possibility. So that is what makes this crazy mission just as possible, as say... Going to the moon in the 1960's.

Furthermore, can we really afford not to try almost anything to reverse what the World Resources Institute says is a quickly approaching tipping point towards irreversible global catastrophe. W.R.I. is a Washington based think tank of scientists & a lot of other really smart people who recently laid out the data proving that greenhouse gas damage is quickly reaching the point of NO RETURN. This means GAME OVER PLANET EARTH.. YOU SCREWED YOURSELVES. Now you get to die amidst your own filth. Not a very glamorous way to go out, & even more pathetic when considering that we were warned about this by nearly every environmental scientist (NOT on a political campaign committee or paid by an oil company) for nearly 2 decades.

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