learn about the e equals c squared environmental equation









Give mE purity, don't sell me death..

-The Sons of Purity









©2005 E.haase
Beware The Money$erpent.
Avenge 9-11-01 By Waging 'PeaceFair' With Us..
This is a call not to arms..
This is a call to brains!







The BunnyFlower Flag of 'The Merry Thanksters' & 'The Sons Of Purity' waging
comedic 'PeaceFair in this 'Reformance Art' 'REVELution'
We R the song yet 2 B sung.
©2005 'Betsy' Haase
























This is your brain on 'reality' TV

Retreat from the voyeurism of a corporately fashioned reality designed to reap your time & dollars. Engage in your own life. Rage against DeathCULTure & the fading of the light!
No vexation without participation!

-'The Sons of Purity '



The ConsiderStitution of the United Mental States of Viridia
A document describing the atomic construction of an inner-self government.
By The Created, Of The Creative, For The Creation


by "E" on October 01, 2005
This groove contains samples & paraphrases upon the pen of the signatories of the First Continental Congress.

 We, the Conscious of the coalescing United Mental States of Virdia in an attempt to form a more perfect communion with the naturally occurring processes of the universe in which we are cradled, put forth the following Particles to evict interdisciplinary injustice, (thereby producing “interjustice”), insure domestic survive-ability, provide for the common environmental defense, promote the common good, & secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves & all biological Posterity, do ordain & establish this Considerstitution for the United Mental States of Viridia.

We the consumers, finding our awareness in a situation where we foresee that we should alter the macro habits of humankind or vector on towards fathomable extinction; Propose that humankind CONSIDER forming a symbiotic integration with the natural systems which formed our cradle & nourish us until our grave. Toward this goal we do vow to place ourselves on the quest to ceaselessly ‘
CONSIDERplate’ the primordial forces inherent in the universe & their function. As these forces seem both prerequisite to as well as products of universal functioning, we consider it obvious that an intention to directly harness said forces to fulfill the unalterable needs of humankind can be met with success by continually applying the process of focused consideration to human activities which result in volatile harm-to-benefit-ratios. With consideration to the fact that ecosystems function, grow, produce & reproduce in abundance without need of considerable harmful alteration of the primordial universal forces, we intend to continually consider as to why humankind may not similarly function without altering said forces in ways that threaten biogeochemical entities by their processes, products or byproducts.


As the Consideration & empiricism of the history of science has proved much to humankind including that there is no matter as such but only the transference of ‘enerMation’ (energy – information), then why not consider launching a Leader-Ship whose course is set toward a planet where humankind lives in quest of marrying information to energy in an equivalent harm-to-benefit production ratio. Constant consideration of this single equation is the fuel that propels this LeaderSHIP toward this planet with a considerable effort by it’s passengers who seek to live & partake of the life, liberty & happy pursuits that may be enjoyed on the planet are required for it’s touchdown.

We consider it a priority to trace the empirical knowledge which proved matter is energy down the rabbit holes throughout the last vestiges of unadulterated ecosystems that remain on earth in a quest to bring human infrastructures in harmony with them.
The traditional LeaderSHIPS launched in the first industrial age continue to pose threats to irreplacable ecosystems & disrupt the flow of universal forces within them by allowing the power brokering of finance dictate the letter of human law. This has resulted in a technosphere almost completely separated from the biosphere & thereby largely unconscious & destructive to it.

However the Technosphere itself, like humankind itself completely depends upon & is the result of the natural resource base & the universal law which also brought them into being. We the Conscious Consumers propose birthing this new LeaderSHIP & setting it’s course for the heart of the sun, where the most mysterious energy matter, the photon, empowers, the all of everything. Light, both particle & wave & is the only known constant within an infinitely – ever - changing universe. The only other known constant in our universe other than the speed of the photon, is change itself.

Indeed all life is the transference of solar energy. As energy is first created, & only created in the nuclear furnace of stars, & with thermodynamics revealing that energy once created is never destroyed, we see humans have never created any energy of themselves, but only transferred, adulterated & re-incinerated what all began as solar energy which is light & heat. What else might more expediently light our way out of the darkness being wrought before our eyes by the smog of the fossil fuel age than the light, which is the original source of oil & all.

Consider the lilies, how they grow. They don't toil. When we consider that a primary problem that keeps humankind from being able to switch to hydrogen as it’s primary fuel source is one of not being able to produce enough hydrogen without some other fuel to separate hydrogen from other molecules, then the consideration of the lilies phrase takes on new significance. Why? Because plant leaves already do this of themselves. Plant leaves are like little electrolysers & atom converters, changing carbon dioxide into oxygen by the separation of guess what.. HYDROGEN. We only need consider how they do this & backwards engineer it to create it under human control for mass manufacture capabilities.
Consider that many of our greatest breakthroughs have come via similar natural considerations. We find something already working in nature then we backwards engineer & shape these processes to fit our needs.

Consider vaccines & penicillin.. Vaccination uses the natural systems inherently functioning in the human body, applies a human technology to make them work better & we survive not completely of our own invention but by it as it works with the preceding & inherent systems. Antibiotics offer a similar perspective on how man by understanding then harnessing existing biological processes can combat problems which they had before been defenseless against.

Consider that many more of us, perhaps the majority of us might not be present had we not made that breakthrough. Similarly consider that the majority of us will not be here if we reach the point of no return in the cycle of atmospheric deterioration that many environmental scientists show us is fast approaching.

Consider that we ignored many of the warnings of environmental scientists for several decades & now are beginning to suffer the very fates we were warned of. Polar ice is melting. The ozone is ripping, weather patterns are violent, catastrophic & unlike any yet recorded. If we continue to ignore what does that make us? It makes us ignorant to the point of stupidity. Consider that perhaps humanity deserves an awful fate as just return on its collective ignorant arrogance.

We have no one to blame but ourselves for Industrial pollution. We were smart enough to figure out that our biosphere is headed toward collapse but not smart enough to listen to our own advice. In the end the root of all evil may corrupt us right off of our planet & out of our own bodies (for they are interdependent).

Consider that we still have a chance to form a more perfect union where the abstraction of empirical data & a compassionate morality for the totality of the biogeochemical realm is a higher priority than the abstraction of material wealth. Considering that there is no material in the first place & that you couldn’t take it with you even if there was, & you are left only to stare at yourself in mirrors to CONSIDER WHAT YOU REALLY ARE, where you have come from, where you are going & how you might get there when your time of material existence ticks up.

Consider that you too are going to die; yet the only thing that really exists, the energy that was created & forms you that can not be destroyed will flow on (Thermodynamics, NOT spiritual mumbo jumbo). Consider where your energy might flow based on what you have done with it, & create. Create the communion of yourself with a time & space where you deserve victory. Matter may not be totally real in the physical sense, but matter still matters to us while we are in it.

Therefore to these matters we put forth the following particles with which we intend to form a spherical fullerene molecule for inner-self government as so that each person may further bond to form a body of government By The Created, Of The Creative, For The Creation

Particle. I.
We as semi-free people of The United States of America, born in freedom, raised in liberty & heirs of all the opportunities for wisdom & well-being that these ideals have afforded us, do vow to continue under the governmental system & laws of this great country which has afforded us so much, including the liberty to consider other ways of taking care of he lives & lands that were given to us for self – determination & stewardship by our founding fathers & the Creator whom they recognized as the originator of all life, liberty, & happy pursuits. Therefore we hereby see no such need of fundamental change of a governing system that at its core is sound. We put forth that all citizens considerPlate how & why our government works, where it fails, & how their own lack of participation may be instrumental in both personal & collective woes. In this spirit we put forth the slogan “NO VEXATION WITHOUT PARTICIPATION”..

Consider that the root of many problems which have grown to spread afflictions throughout existence may not be a new discovery but as old as the first recording of the statement that the love of money is the root of all evil & that it’s vines & tendrils corrupt foremost in the consciousness of humans who do not CONSIDER where evil begins & how it stalks & preys in consciousness. The problem is then more one of capitalism than democracy. However, capitalism is again not at all a failed system & is in fact run through with many facets that foster much progress amongst humankind. So consider first the words given before capitalism was even a notion in anyone’s head, in that the love of money is the root of evil. Like the universal forces we vow to chase down the rabbit holes & through the ecosystems of creation, we must similarly trace the effects of money in its power to corrupt in the souls of humanity. For it is not money that is to blame but the weakened morality of persons.

Consider that when the “MoneySerpent” operates throughout our congressional systems & slithers down the hallways of power, we may count on always living under varying degrees of corruption. Therefore pARTicle one consists in the consideration of removing government election from money.

Sextion 1. Viridia & The Viridian REVELution operates under the laws of the United States of America while considering the natural laws governing the universe to offer new paths that The U.S. might follow to continue its legacy of freedom, liberty & justice for all. The Viridian Congruous consists of the following pARTicles which assemble for this purpose: To “considerplate” & troubleshoot issues of global infrastructure through spherical cogitation system of The ‘Knights of the Sphere Cabal’. All legislative Powers remain vested in a Congress of the United States, however Viridian counterparts shall exist for the purpose of homage, education & practiced integration with the systems that form the law of this land in an effort to understand & interact with them in a meaningful & respectful way, thereby forming a synergy to pull together with our federal government in the direction of progress for the United States of America & with the hope of emerging with it as a beacon to all nations by way of our compassionate commitments to the shared biogeochemical realm. This is also intended to spread amongst our citizens the more active form of citizen participating democracy that I believe was intended by our forefathers.

Sextion 2
Cause 1: The House of Reasonsentatives shall be composed of participants, & the ELECTrons in each seat shall exhibit their Qualifications through their active & ongoing productive & progressive participation. ELECTrons in imitation of the subatomic counterparts from which they draw their name are therefore always active & by their nature cannot rest on any perceived laurels or accomplishments but always spin forward to energize The Sphere Cabal.

Cause 2: No Person shall be a Reasonsentative who shall not have attained to the Age of five Years, & been seven Years a Citizen of the United States, & who shall not be able to participate without first showing their dedication to wisdom by passing the written examinations for their own good & the good of The Congruous.
Cause 3: Reasonsentatives shall find ways to support the financial needs of their Congruous by methods which also serve as “Exampling” projects to the public & these needs shall be equally apportioned among all members. Included within this Union,
Cause 4: The House of Reasonsentatives shall choose their Speaker & other Officers of the following Particles: The Merry Thanksters, The Tenetmen, The Moltlitia, The Beloved REVELutionary Sweethearts, The Sons Of Purity, The Grok-n-Roll Party, & PermaPUNKs.
Sextion 3
Cause 1: The Seenate of the United Mental States of Viridia shall be composed of the order of The Knights of the Sphere Cabal.
Cause 3: No Person shall be a Seenator who shall not have attained to the Age of 27 Years, & been nine Years a Citizen of the United States, & who shall have passed the written examinations & completed the course of multi-media experience contained in the Knights curriculum Sextion.
Cause 4: The Vice President of the United Mental States of Viridia shall be the creator of the Viridian REVELution & Conscious Consumers’ Network (i.e., myself (Eric Haase) who shall also hold the title of “Commander In Chief/ Commander of No-Thing Chief of less”) The Viridian President is No-Thing (energy itself), however there are the King & Queen of the commonwealth of Viridia who serve as the “FiguringHeads” of the Commonwealth of Viridia”
Sextion. 4.
Cause 1: The Congruous shall assemble at least once a Year, & such Meeting shall be on the first Monday in December.
Sextion.. 5.
Cause 1: Each House shall keep a Journal of its Proceedings, & publish the same via the C2 MediaPlex, excepting such Parts as may in their Judgment require Secrecy
Sextion.. 6.
Cause 1: The Seenators & Reasonsentatives shall receive a Compensation for their Services by way of participating as an “E-CO in the REVELution’s mission to spread Conscious Consumerism among the unconscious consumer CULTure & be paid commissions directly out of any sales made while on this mission; simultaneously proving to the nations that capitalism & environmentalism are not mutually exclusive policies (as outlined in the mission of The Conscious Consumers Network).
Sextion. 7.
Cause 1: All ideas for raising Revenue while switching the consumer base to energy efficient technology shall originate in the House of Reasonsentatives to insure that they are in agreement with the Tenets of the REVELution as practiced by the Tenetmen so as to insure that the Viridian REVELution adheres to high standards of ethics so as to remain held in highest regard by the public as an organization dedicated to the common good & the progress of the society of humankind & the life support systems of planet earth.
Cause 2: Every issue which considered by the House of Reasonsentatives should be processed into a format to be considered by the “”Childtank” & presented to the King & Queen of the United Mental States of Viridia. A journal of the “innocence sound boarding” sessions is then presented back to the Congruous & any amendments to any originally suggested course of action are then considered. If after such Reconsideration two thirds of that House shall agree to take new action, it shall be sent, before the Knights Of The Sphere Cabal to be reconsidered, & if approved by two thirds of the Knights, it shall become a mandate to be carried out by TENETMEN, Merry Thanksters, The Media Corps, & all other REVELutionaries.
Sextion. 8.
Cause 1: The Viridian Congruous shall systematically lobby the U.S. Federal congress for tax code adjustments when discovering citizen practices &/or products that strengthen the national welfare by causing less dependence on foreign resources &/or preserve/conserve the national resource base. (i.e. Reduce National Debts; provide for the common Defense by decreasing grounds for enmity based on incongruous resource utilization & environmental pollution based on global per capita ratios.
Clause 3: Viridians shall engage in Commerce with foreign Nations, & among the States, & with our Indian Tribes with acknowledgement to the fact that although there are many nations of people there is only one biosphere capable of supporting any person throughout the known universe, therefore this consciousness must be spread the world over.
Cause 4: To establish a uniform law of Naturalization of the technosphere.
Cause 5: To re-evaluate the U.S. money standards & base the value on a natural resource accounting standard so that a formula may be applied to base the value of a good on what it costs in terms of the natural resource base that it either contains in it’s form or that was or will be destroyed in its production, operating life & disposal.
A new standard of time measurement may also be found to be more effective for a synergetic integration with natural law & to curb the harmful effects of a technosphere that is almost entirely disconnected from any natural standard of time measurement which in itself may be the reason the technosphere has been so destructive to the biosphere.
Cause 6: To provide for the Punishment of commercial entities counterfeiting the environmental securities of humankind through campaigns of GreenWashing.
Cause 7: To establish a’Mediaplex of ‘Posting Offices’ (communication networks).
Cause 8: To promote the Progress of Science & useful Arts, by securing for authors & inventors forums to promote their respective Writings & Discoveries via the Viridian Verite’ MediaPlex Network & hybrireality genre.
Cause 9: To constitute Tribunals that base their rule of justice on universal law of nature.
Cause 10: To define & punish piracies & felonies committed on the voiceless beings of the biogeochemical realm & Offences against the Universal law.
Cause 11: To declare WarOnWar by waging PeaceFair against DeathCULTure. , To create a brand of Marque as reprisal against traditional objects used for ego distinction as a method of synerduction of the consumer class climbing cultures.
To acknowledge injustices concerning the corporate Captures on Land & Water.
Cause 12: To raise & support iconoclast armies of TenetMen, MerryThanksters & ECO’s to spread the consciousness, wealth & joy of the REVELution completed.
Cause 13: To provide & maintain a ViridiaNavy;
Cause 14: To make quarterly questionnaires for the Government with regard to regulation of the air, land & sea.
Cause 15: To provide for calling forth the Moltitia to execute the Laws of the Universe, suppress Insurrections & repel corrupt corporate Invasions with the sword of comedy & the head-butt of integrated spiritual cosmology.
Cause 16: To provide for organizing, arming, & disciplining, the Moltitia, & for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the molting the consumer consciousness into a state where the multiform affects of their financial transactions are considered with respect to the biosphere that provides all means of the existence of the object of any purchase as well as the subjects themselves (the people who engage in any transactions).
It is in order to preserve to the states of organic existence especially that the Moltitia takes its Authority. Training of the Moltitia is also by the authority of the law of nature & proceeds from a consideration of the natural sciences filtered through the media arts set forth in a REVELutionary curriculum determined by The Knights Of The Sphere Cabal & the suggestions of other Particle participants of The REVELution. Such suggestions should be made in consideration of the equation Time(Energy)=ART whereby art produced by the flow of energy & it’s affects on the consciousness of humankind over Time produces works of art which are unique to humankind & may be used to further his understanding of the universe in which he is cradled as opposed to something to take up wall space, color coordinate with the sofa or used to kill a few hours in escapist entertainment for a mind hidden in a darkened theater consuming junk food of the body & mind.

Cause 17: To make all Laws which shall be necessary & proper for carrying into Execution the preservation & consecration of the creations of the foregoing Powers inherent in the universe (i.e. preserving & protecting the things humankind did not create & cannot re-create of themselves so that these forces & creations may continue to be considered & harnessed to fulfill The “Unalterable Needs” of humankind beyond the present age. To forsake all other & all powers vested in the Constitutions of the Governments of humankind or any Department or Officer thereof when they threaten the existence of said forces or their creations in the fulfillment of nefarious desires.
Sextion. 9.
Cause 1: The Migration & export of conscious Consumerism to all economies of the world in the “THhemArUS” spirit so that all of the cultures of humankind now existing shall think proper to admit that all states of existence shall not be prohibited by humankind to be considered as equally important in their composition of the particle universe so that no one shall threaten the whole by wanton desecration of the parts.
Cause 2: The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Mindus shall not be issued when in cases of Rebellion or Invasion upon the public Safety is made by parties who impinge the biosphere for nefarious reasons.
Cause 3: No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be issued against persons or organizations committing crimes against nature but rather the Congress of Conscious Consumers must try & convict them in the marketplace under the principle of “No Vexation Without Participation & the E=C2 equation / mission / message / medium.
Cause 4: Capitations & other direct Tax penalties shall be brought before the Congress of The United States, The United Nations, The Hague & The World bank as a method of instilling within multi-National Corporations the true cost of things in measures taken via the discipline of natural resource accounting. (laid, in proportion to a census or enumeration of the natural resources utilized to make the products or services a corporation deals to world citizens on a for profit basis..
Cause 5: No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United Mental States of Viridia except to the rotating Kings & Queens of the ChildTank (ceremonial titles which are expunged as new kings, queens, princes & princesses are rotated to the position. Although The Viridian REVELution views the biogeochemical realm as a commonwealth, all other associations to any existence of personal nobility among men or traditional systems of rule inherent in the kingdoms of history are & are to be eradicated under the ThemArUs values of The REVELution.
Sextion 10.
Cause 1: No PARTicipant shall enter into any Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque & Reprisal;; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, , or grant any Title of Nobility in the name of The REVELution that may impair the mission of global consumer consciousness or tarnish the good name of The REVELution or the C2 marque. Such matters are easily avoided by adherence to the Tenet code of The TenetMen.
Cause 3: To insure that no for profit corporation may horde goods taken from the natural resource base (i.e. foodstuffs, water, lumber & the like) during times of natural or national economic crises & price gouge or hold them from the public at prices resulting in profit for the company. This is in keeping with an ancient notion & tenet of The REVELution stating that no man can claim ownership over what was given to all men by creation.

pARTicle. II.

Sextion 1.
Cause 1: The executive Power shall be vested in the C.O.N.C.O.L. of the United Mental States of Viridia. He shall hold his Office during the term of his creative years.
Cause 2: Each Mental State shall appoint may direct, a Number of Electrons as Reasonsentatives to The Congruous.
Cause 3: The Electrons shall meet to considerplate their groups into their respective Mental States & from such sitting in communion troubleshoot the macro problems of humankind in LongView with the objective of reaching visclusions to set before humankind through the Mediaplex for public considerplation to be concluded by public feedback in the form of BlogLots for or against visclusions. The Visclusions shall be published in the official blogs of The REVELutionary Congruous & be transmited via the C2 Mediaplex. The Visclusion having the greatest Number of Votes shall be the set into action. , If no Visclusion has a Majority, then from the 5 highest on the List the Knights & The Congruous shall in like Manner choose a Visclusion. However, in choosing the Visclusion, a Bloglot shall be written by the Mental States, the Reasonsentative from each Mental State composing the Bloglot.

Sextion 2.
Cause 1: The Viridian King, Queen & all executive officers shall be “FiguringHeads” of their respective offices, in imitation of The CONCOL & shall remain in office only so long as they produce progressive works which make effective use of the Moltlitia & other active Particles of the Viridian Molecular LeaderShip. All offices, when called into the actual Service of the United Mental States require a written Bloglot, on any subject relating to the furtherment of the Viridian cause.

Particle. III.

Sextion. 1.
The judicial Power of the United Mental States of Viridia shall be vested in The Congruous of The Knights of the Sphere Cabal, the general Congruous & The Childtank.
Sextion 2.
Cause 1 Powers shall cease in all Cases, in Law & Equity, arising under this Considerstitution, under the Laws of the United States o America, to which we remain loyal & true in service, word & deed.

Sextion 3.
Cause 1: Treason against the United Mental States of Viridia, shall consist in levying War against biological or geochemical agents not created or capable of being re-created by humankind. The Viridian War is a War on War (WarOnWar) with any policy or occurrence of violence against these entities, & in particular human entities, being high treason.

pARTicle. IV.

Sextion 1.
Cause 1: A Participant who comes to be at odds with The Viridian Congruous shall have his circumstances delivered before each mental state to be considerplated by separate cogitations from within each mental State before being collectively considered by the United Mental States in the Congress of The Knights of The Sphere Cabal & The ChildTank.
Cause 2: Persons or Corporate Entities committing crimes against nature & thereby the peoples who live amongst the nature they defile shall be not only held to Service & labor over the places of their destruction, but should also be made to live there to experience the results of the crimes they have committed as part of a karmic settlement & deterrent against any such future action.
Sextion. 2.
Cause 1: New Mental States may be admitted by the Congruous into this Union. The original Mental States of this Union at the time of this writing & forming the first fullerene spherical molecule for cogitation are as follows:

United Mental States of Viridia
1. Cogichusettes
2., 3. N. & S. CAREolina
4. FLOWERida
5. VIRTUEnia
6. OrWeGone
7. Raine
8. NowGoThere
9. New Fork
10. Gourgaia.
11. Virmont

Cause 2: The Congruous shall have Power to dispose of & make all needful Rules & Regulations respecting the idea that humankind can ever fully own any of the territory of the earth to the extent that they may do whatever they choose to or with it to the extent that such doings harmfully affect the biosphere in which it & we all are interdependently contained & maintained.

pARTicle V

The Congruous, whenever two thirds of all PARTICLES shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Considerstitution,
Which shall remain valid to all Intents & Purposes of this Considerstitution with respect to its total respect for the interdependent relationship of all elements of the biogeochemical realm, the Conscious Consumers’ E=C2 mission, The WarOnWar & the ideals expressed in the Viridian Declaration of Interdependence.


Cause 1: This Considerstitution, & the inherent Laws of the Universe which formed & cradle humankind & the biogeochemical realm shall be followed in Pursuance of the Authority of the Supreme Law of all mental & physical states of existance. The seekers in every Viridian Mental State shall be bound thereby to seek with all heart, soul & strength with infinite love of creation & the fellowship of humankind of which we are pARTicle.
Cause 2: The Seenators & Reasonsentatives aforementioned, & the Members of the entire Congruous of the United Mental States of Viridia shall be bound by Oath to support this Considerstitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United Mental States.

pARTicle. VII..


Created in Considerplation of the universe of which I am particle in physical & mental states, completed this first Day of November in the Year of our Lord two thousand & five, I hereunto subscribe my name with the hope that these pARTicles fit to form the Greenesis Fullerene molecule. I, as creator of The Conscious Consumers’ Network & The Viridian REVELution vow to fill a LeaderSHIP role by this beginning to build it, take a seat upon it, then finding others to take up such roles to maintain, navigate & set the controls for the heart of the sun (the source of the energy that is transformed in the creation of all life), passing through it to touchdown in the entirely new mental space of Viridia.

Aside from all fantastic aspirations of this REFORMance art piece is the pragmatic drive to form a cogent analysis of humankind’s macro problems & extend cogent solutions toward sound resolutions.

Faithfully created in Love,
'U.M.S.V. Media Corps'
November 1, A.D.2005

(see forthcoming ‘semantic calculus’ dictionary of 'Virspeak' for definitions of words appearing in this font throughout this document).

π AWAKEN! Have you perhaps forgotten who & what you are? Shake false dreams from your hair & rise into the glory that is your birthright. Escape the cognitive eaubliette you have enclosed yourself within & Deserve victory!

   What is Viridian? We are beyond Green. We are ultra blue-Green. Greens are often associated with a hippie culture. Our Viridian movement is techno-culture, Cyberpunk, straight-edge & proactive.We abhor drugs, war, decadence, gluttony, greed, lies, liars & lieing around while what was once a perfectly good planet is leeched dry of its life-force by a cancer that calls itself man.. Men.. Many have no right calling themselves such.. They tarnish the legacy of this name.. Many men are but 'King Babies' who won't pull thumbs from mouths long enough to do anything about the state of affairs they blindly participate in. As Viridians we only believe we should stay constant in in trying to do better & we want to exhort all to do the same. We'll sleep when we're dead & we don't plan on dying.
















All words / graphics ©2005 Eric Haase, ImagiMedia, Inc. No duplication or distribution in any fixed or electronic format without expressed written, signed consent. Subject to U.S. law, & moreover, the law of the highest authority. JehovaJahRastafariPrinceofPeaceLyonOfJudahAbbaOf my scattered Tribe.

© 2005 ImagiMedia, Inc.. All Rights Reserved. Conscious Consumer Network & C2 logos are trademarks of ImagiMedia, Inc.