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     PermaPunk n. permaculture + punk

Permaculture n. -

design systems for creating sustainable human environments & the use of ecology as the basis for designing integrated systems of food production, housing, technology, & community development. Built on an ethic of interacting with environments in mutually beneficial ways.

continued, next column



VR2 PermaPunks advance REVELutionary issues with the emotion of political punk rock bands like The Clash, Minor Threat, Dead Kennedys, etc. PermaPunks offer another strategy for reaching a broader spectrum of society with the mission to save what's left of the earth from unconsciously consuming humans. continued

Duchess of WTF - Lena ;-p

Permapunks are like cyberpunks in that they are high tech & proactive. For more, see the "Viridian Green" passage in The Declaration.

- Fight DeathCULTure!
[Tampa, 07/07/04] PermaPunk is a lifestyle, not a hairstyle. True punks don't sit around doing drugs or watching TV. True punks live to perpetuate a culture designed to shake the bourgeoisie out of false materialist comfort zones. Anyone can call themselves a permaPunk, but being one is determined by action; NOT words or style.
"PermaPunk" is a term that can be applied to Tenetmen, Merry Thanksters, Sons of Purity, Beloved REVELutionary Sweethearts or anyone involved in acts of permaculture.
continued, next column

The Viridian REVELution promotes & uses our own "PermaPunk" & "Grok-n-Roll" music as a means of creating more PermaPunks, & through them more permaculture. The loose organization of these groups in the REVELution are called the PermaCULT & we declare a war on war! We all want peace, but our war won't stop 'til all wars cease.

In PeaceFair,
The PermaPunks Troubadours of Grok-n-Roll

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